Project programming is everything you need to know before drawing. It is a process that the architect leads a client through to identify and articulate what the project’s objectives and constraints are now and in the future. This process will involve our asking questions then listening. At the end of the process we will establish the project design objectives, by making a list of needs, wants, and priorities in written and numerical form. The result will be a detailed work plan that will guide the Planning and Design process.
Detailed programming is imperative to a successful project.
Project Narrative
The Project Narrative is an overview of the entire project explaining the project scope and goals. It also contains descriptions of each department and functional spaces such as lobbies, meeting rooms, and cafeterias.

Program Statement
The Program Statement is an overall numerical summary or a spreadsheet of the project identifying all individual requirements at a departmental level. This statement includes the following minimum information:
- Future expansion
- Specific uses of the spaces
- Existing and proposed new spaces
- Cultural and community context
- Climate and microclimate
- Site selection and site characteristics
- Number and type of occupants
- Activities of the occupants
- Functional and spatial relationships between spaces
- Space requirements including circulation, wall, and mechanical space
- Budget – Overall required expenses, restrictions, etc.
- Legalities – Laws, codes, ordinances, etc.
- Furnishings, fixtures, equipment, and/or materials required to support the occupants and activities
Adjacencies Diagram
The Adjacencies Diagram is a graphic depiction of the spacial relationship of all the program elements to one another.
Preliminary Budget
The Preliminary Budget is an opinion of probable cost based on simple square footage cost of similar projects. Using experience from similar past projects we will recommend space needs. In the case of a unique requirement, we will specifically study special space needs and adjacencies.